Welcome to what may be the only American food blog that isn’t bombarding you with last-minute Thanksgiving tips this week. Instead of spending the week cooking, Matt and I are taking part in what has become our new Thanksgiving tradition: traveling.
We’ve spent the last week hopping puddles and ducking into cafes and museums in Paris,
navigating the twisted Medieval streets and canals of Bruges and getting better acquainted with Belgian brews,
and, just as soon as I finish my stroopwafel, we’re off to explore Amsterdam! I hope you have a wonderful, delicious, and low-stress Thanksgiving! I’ll be back next week with tales and treats.
Sarah, what a wonderful tradition. May you and Matt enjoy it for numerous years to come. Have a blessed holiday season.
Thanks, Aunt Linda. Hope you, Uncle Larry, and the girls have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!
Hi Sarah! I also went to Europe last year for Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy your travels and bring new amazing recipes. I’ve been reading your blog since summer, but mainly for the pictures and general ideas. This will be my first official application
I’m about to cook your pumkin pie. I just had to after seeing you added goat cheese… Sounds like an interesting combination. Wish me luck!
Good luck, Rebecca! I haven’t made that pie since last fall, but I remember everyone loving it.
have a wonderful time, enjoy, and eat lots !
Oh my, I have been!