For years, family and friends have been hassling me to “do something with food”. My standard response was always that I do some combination of cooking it, eating it, and serving it everyday. What more did they want of me?
Finally, I caved. I realized that some pretty delicious stuff has been coming out of my kitchen for years but I probably couldn’t tell you the last five baked goods I made or the special birthday dinner in 2009 or just the better-than-I-was-expecting lunch on a random Tuesday. And even if I could remember these dishes, there’s no way I’d ever be able to recreate them. So in September 2012, I made the decision to finally “do something with food” and was born.
On this blog, you will find a record of the best food that coming out of my kitchen. I take pictures and write recipes so you’ll be able to recreate the same dishes in your own kitchen. I cook by the seasons, the occasion, and my mood. I find inspiration in old memories, new travel experiences, and the countless passionate cooks and eaters I’ve worked with over the years.
You might ask, why “strawberryplum”? Well, it’s actually kind of unappetizing, but if you want half the story behind the name, you could read this post. Basically, it boils down to me having a love for produce at the peak of its perfection. And no self-control.
I hope you’ll stop back often and you find some cooking inspiration in my recipes and photos. Happy eating!
Get to Know Sarah
You’ve probably pieced the key things together by now; my name is Sarah and I like to cook. That’s all you really need to know, but if you’re hungry for more, here’s a little background.
I’ve spent 15 16 years working in restaurants. My work life is spent in the dining room and I save the cooking for home. You might ask why I don’t cook professionally if I love doing it so much. Well, that’s the thing. I cook because I like to and don’t want to cook because I have to. Plus, I’m a bossy, control-freak and couldn’t stand following someone else’s recipes. That’s why I have a blog instead.
I live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It’s important for you to know this so you’ll understand why I’m complaining about snow storms in May and why my “seasonal” recipes seem to lag a couple of weeks behind blogs written from, say, California. I live only about 10 miles away from where I was born and have for my entire life. I could think of this as very boring, but instead I choose to see it an excuse to travel and explore other parts of the world. You’ll see recipe inspiration coming from my travels in France, Italy, and Croatia, as well as around the Midwest and the rest of the US.
Feel free to leave a comment for me. I love hearing from readers, whether it’s a question about a recipe, helpful feedback, or just a friendly introduction.
Thanks for the “sneak preview” of your two next recipes – delicious!!!! And, I made the granola today – now I can’t leave it alone!
I just wanted to say that I think this website is adorable! I LOVE cooking and follow a lot of food blogs. I love when there are pictures (and they always seem to be magazine-quality pictures) of the food made. I try not to judge a book by its cover but sometimes a picture helps
Keep up the good work–I love the web design, the food, and the writing. I am bookmarking this website right now!!
I’m glad you found the site and thank you so much for the nice words!
Can I be part of the tasting panel?!
Come on over!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful talents in the kitchen and with the camera! Everything looks delicious and gorgeous! Get ready for more readers…I’m passing this along!
Thanks!! And bring on the readers, I’m ready!
Hi Sarah! Your mom and I have been friends since January 20, 1956! That’s right – we were born the exact same day. Your grandma and my mom were roomies at the Toledo Hospital. Just wanted to let you know that your mom sent me your blog and I love it!! I will check back frequently!! xoxoxox
I’ve always thought that story was so cool and really it’s really impressive that you’ve stayed in touch! Thanks for checking out my blog.
Hi Sarah! So nice to meet you, Matt, “Butter Boy”. I, like you, don’t see anything wrong with cookies, cakes, etc. for breakfast…there is that crosstich phrase…”Life is short, eat dessert first” and I fully subscribe to that notion
I’m new to your blog and I love it…beautiful layout…delicious pictures…excellent recipes…even the name is yummy…how did you come up with Strawberry Plum?
Thanks, Heather, I’m glad you found your way over to my site. I’m glad you like the name because I had such a hard time deciding on one. Why “StrawberryPlum”? Well, at the end of the day, some things are better left unsaid and even though the name sounds “yummy” the stories behind pairing these fruits together are anything but;)
Your mom gave me your website on the phone tonight. We spent 143 minutes catching up. We have been friends since 1970!!! Yes, I am old and a terrible cook, so I will visit frequently. Love your blog.
143 minutes! That’s impressive, even for my mom! Thanks for checking out my blog.
Wow, i really love your site. I have been following cooking blogs for as long as they have showed up on the net. When i come across a great one, i place it in my favorite websites, which is short in number. The presentation of the site, the step-by-step pics and the quality of the photography, the elegance but practicality of the recipes (ie, i will definitely try at home) and the color and passion you lend to your love of cooking all make this a must follow site for me. I love to cook but have a day job and cooking is my tinkering under hood of the car. I have five kids and that is my stage. Thank you for your dedication to this and keep it up! I have thought about doing one of my own and dont underestimate the time and effort that goes into your site. thank you! JS in Houston
What a great comment to find in my in-box, first thing this morning. My day has officially been made and it has hardly even started! Thanks for following my blog and taking the time to write.
Hi Sarah, just came across your blog and I must say, I love it. I like cooking and eating very much – great inspiration. Thanks!
Thorsten from Edinburgh
Hi Thorsten! Thanks so much and it’s kind comments like yours that keep me inspired and my blog up and running!
My mother made your Risotto with chicken and it looked amazing. Can’t wait to try your other recipes!
I just found your blog (I was searching for tapenade uses if you were interested how) and I am loving it! I’ve added you to my Feedly and I’ve already pinned a number of recipes; I’m only up to April 2014 so far. Your photos are lovely and your recipes seem delicious. I have a feeling I am going to have fun going through all of your archives. Keep it up, you’ve got a new fan!
Taylor, California
Welcome and thank you so much!
Your recipes look great – I’m looking forward to trying them. As a recovering waitress, I commend your long career in the business and totally understand why you’d rather be on the floor. Plus, the kitchen always taught me more about food than I felt school could, like how to cook the perfect steak….and steak butter….
If you find yourself in Italy, look me up and we can make gnocchi together!
That would be fantastic! And hopefully I’ll find myself in Italy before too long–I’m itching to get back there!
Hi Sarah,
Greetings from Western Australia. Your website is fabulous. I had given up on American sites because there had been a tendency to put too much sugar or cheese or mention ingredients that you can only find in the US. Your site on the other hand has real food done well. Congratulations.
Mike–I appreciate your comment! Thanks for reading!
What a beautiful site and great recipes.
Short ribs and cannellini tonight
I may abandon all other internet recipe sources and use only strawberryplum. Please don’t stop.
I wish you would still post recipes!